a blog about my apartment

I'm feeling a bit burnt on talking about music. I think it's the end-of-year pressure building that just always puts me in a rut. I know I should be listening to stuff and catching up on stuff I intend to listen to and I should start thinking of my favorites and stuff I've been disappointed by and all that. It's really my least favorite part of the year as far as being a person with a music-based podcast, but whatever. You get through it. I decided to post about my apartment instead for the blog. Because it's my blog and I have an apartment alone that actually has rooms to decorate! I'm happy with how it's coming along, so I'm posting about it.

Before we get into that, I'd like to encourage donations to some relief efforts:

There was a devastating earthquake in Afghanistan that could use support. Nooristan Foundation is aiming to raise $7500 to support families. You can read more about it below and donate.

Nooristan Foundation

Obviously, the Palestinian people still need support. If you're in the US, please reach out to your representatives. The responses can feel demoralizing, but it's important to express disapproval and investment in any way available. Here's an easy way to do that.

Here's somewhere you can donate money, too. Hopefully, aid will be able to get to Palestine soon.

Donate now ❤️
The situation in Gaza is urgent, and it’s one million children are suffering. The newest round of bombings there has left countless children needing immediate medical attention and basic necessities like food, water, and shelter. Over the past 30 years, we have been providing critical medical care…

Some self-promo:

Last week I had a piece in Luke O'Neil's fab publication Welcome to Hell World. It's about Bandcamp's sale with more of a lens of contextualizing the concern about the sale into the endless cycle of the way websites have been ruined through acquisitions in the past. Mostly it got a positive response and I'm super grateful for that, but one funny thing about writing about the internet is that people will always hit you with "why should I care about internet culture?" and it's like... We're on the internet. It's just culture. The internet is real!

Anyway, here it is if ya haven't read it, dramatic headline and all!

They can and will ruin everything you love
by Miranda Reinert This was sent out as a part of today’s Hell World newsletter. Find the rest here and please subscribe if you like what you read. The other teamToday’s main feature is Miranda Reinert writing about the sale of the beloved music site Bandcamp and the massive

My podcast, Endless Scroll, also recently did an episode about The Weakerthans that I'm super proud of. Jeremy Bolm from Touche Amore came on as a guest and it was so great. The Weakerthans are one of my favorite bands and Jeremy is a musician I admire with a perspective on the band I love and relate to so much. Check it out if that sounds cool to you!

‎Endless Scroll: One Great Podcast! (Feat. Jeremy Bolm) on Apple Podcasts
‎Show Endless Scroll, Ep One Great Podcast! (Feat. Jeremy Bolm) - Oct 17, 2023

If you want a music recommendation here are two:

I love Mister Goblin and I love the new Mister Goblin song! Perfect fall vibe.

Kentucky Kingdom, by Mister Goblin
track by Mister Goblin

I just saw Brittain Ashford play and I think her music is beautiful. She put out an album earlier this year. Here's one from that album:

Untitled, for Love, by Brittain Ashford
from the album Trotter

Here is some of my beloved Stuff!

I bought some ceramics from a seconds sale that Chicago based illustrator and ceramicist Molly Bishop held this past weekend. The Don't Forget To Stretch piece is a vase, while the biker guy is just a little decorative piece. I love them both and have put them up on shelves in my dining room. The little green tea pot is something I took from my grandparents' house when it was being prepared for sale after my grandma passed a couple of years ago. It used to sit on a shelf with some other vintage-type kitchen equipment and I'm happy to look at it here now. It's one of those things that I always looked at when I went to their house that I don't know anybody else ever took too much notice of, but it reminds me of them in a really warm way. These glasses also game from my grandparents' house.

You can tell the bigger glasses were used because there are half as many of them, but I like the little ones too. They're cute. They sit further down on the same shelf as the ceramics above. My headphones were sitting in the matching gold-rimmed crystal ice bucket that I can't imagine I'll ever use for its intended purpose.

If you're looking for wireless over-ear headphones, I have the Sony WH-1000xm4s and I am pleased. I don't think any of you are here for a headphone recommendation, but I don't know. I like them. Best headphones I've ever had is a laughably low bar.

Here's my living room! That Ratboys poster on the floor is now in the dining room, but it's mostly the same as you can see here.

The couch is from Article. It makes me feel very adult to have a proper couch. I love it so much. I'm blogging from it right now! I was a little nervous about ordering a couch online sight unseen, but a friend of mine vouched for it and I'm really happy with it. Not sponsored, of course.

The rug is a collab Rifle Paper Co. did, but I got it super discounted from Wayfair. There are a bunch of really cute rugs in that collection. I'm not trying to sell anything in this newsletter, but I am saying they're super discounted and I got a huge rug for like $140. I think it's just been out for a while and they're trying to clear stock.

That little suitcase holds all the books I'm ashamed to own– an extra copy of a book sent to me when I bought it as a gift for my dad, Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur, books from my failed foray into law school, that kind of thing.

Above my coats sit little books and things I'm not ashamed of. 10 copies of Cometbus plus Mixed Reviews and Chicago Stories– both by Aaron Cometbus– and Human Relations which is a collaborative publication that does involve Aaron Cometbus (but also other people!). I encourage most people to read Cometbus. It's fun!

Also up there is A Freshly Tanned Corpse by Dan Ozzi– a great out-of-print and physical-only zine he put out a couple years back. Some of my favorite stuff he's written, but also I love the art which is why it's up there, really. Behind that is a zine about The Wonder Years album The Greatest Generation that I contributed to. I think you can still get a copy! I'm not sure, though, so maybe reach out to Spencer, who organized the zine, if you're interested lol

Also on my borderline Cometbus shrine shelf is a little baby zine called Roadside America from brilliant artist, designer, and printmaker Matthew Van Asselt. I bought this at Chicago Alternative Comics Expo back in 2017 or 2018 and it remains I think one of the cooler illustration-based zines I own. He's done a lot of really beautiful show posters and is one of my very favorite visual artists. Some of his stuff is available via his studio Pullproof Studio alongside a lot of other really cool artists. I'm obsessed with his Bike Lane piece. It's more expensive for a print, but I think it's worth saving up some money for. Pullproof also has tons of great Pittsburgh-specific art if that's something you're interested in!

Pullproof Studio Online Store — PULLPROOF
Shop artwork and merchandise from Pullproof artists.

Also the issue of Creem Magazine I have a piece in is up there! Great looking and feeling mag. Third Man Records also makes a great looking and feeling music magazine, if you're interested in that kind of thing.

I need real speakers. I should save up some money for those, too, but for now, I have still been enjoying MJ Lenderman. More zine stuff just sits out. Possessed is a great zine if you're into hardcore and/or things that are funny. Check it out.

I love buying prints from Landland Colportage, like the one on the right. That one's titled "Pachinko I" and it's by Jessica Seamans. It's awesome, just like everything Landland puts out.

The illustration of the girl in flowers, the palmistry illustration and the red, black and white one in the black frame you can see in the above photo were all done by Stephanie O'Byrne. She's so talented and I love having a few small prints from the same illustrator/designer on a wall like this. It makes it look more cohesive, I think.

The bloody skate and The Shining-themed PUP print are both by Mikaela Jane, who has been on a brilliant run of show posters this year. I love them both. My mom thinks the "decapitated children" are gross, but I think they're great.

Neon house riso print was given to me by my friend Mel, but done by Alex Luciano. Some may know Alex from the band Diet Cig, but she does a lot of cool risograph printed works that I like a lot. I have a couple of other food-themed prints of hers that I want to frame for my kitchen.

I picked up the winter scene postcards at an Advance Base Christmas show in New York that I went to with my pal Ivan. Joe Pera did comedy and the show was over in under 2 hours. It was a magical evening. The postcards are prints of watercolor winter scenes done by Aaron Sewards and have the lyrics to a few Owen Ashworth Christmas songs printed on the back. Aaron Sewards does amazing work that I'm very fond of. I'm thrilled to have these little prints of his work so connected to one of my very favorite artists and a memory with a friend I cherish.

This is just a photo of me in my new yellow jacket with my favorite mug I got at a thrift store in Philly. Best Girl.

Okay, that's all. Thanks for indulging me! I love my stuff and I love the artists who made the stuff on my walls.

Miranda Reinert is a music adjacent writer, zine maker, podcaster and law school drop out based in Chicago. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram for more insights into the stuff I love and hate and love to hate: @mirandareinert.  This blog does have a paid option and I would so appreciate any money you would be willing to throw me! You may also send me small bits of money at @miranda-reinert on venmo/on Paypal if you want. As always, thanks for reading!